Before even starting to think about planning your first site lets discuss the costs involved. Many falsely believe that a gambling affiliate site is extremely expensive to set up although in many cases this is simply not true. The following articles will give you a step by step guide to setting up your own site plus a daily action plan to make your site a success. Using the methods and processes in this section I have created many sites that have become a success generating thousands of pounds in affiliate revenue.
Perhaps one of the greatest advantages of working online compared to the “real world” is that start up and running costs are vastly reduced. You should already have a stable internet connection and a standard pc. You don’t need an office or even a car to carry out your daily task. Your biggest investment in you new business has already been made by taking the time to read this site. Let’s take a look at what our projected expenditure will be during year 1 for your new business.
Start Up Costs
- Become a member of Godaddy’s Domain Auction site – $4.99
- 2 x aged gambling domains @ a max of $20 each = $40
- 2 x banner designs @ $25 each = $50
- 1st month web hosting from Hostgator @ $9.99
- 2 x WordPress Blogs – Free
- Total Start Up Costs For 2 Sites = $104.98
- Ongoing Monthly Costs
- Hostgator Hosting – $9.99
So for just over $100 plus your time and effort you can be up and running. The biggest investment will be committing yourself to this project as you really need at least 4 hours a day. I will warn you now that over 95% of those who attempt to become gambling affiliates fail without ever making a penny. If you have drive plus of course you can commit yourself to this project you will give you a great chance of success!