Many webmasters to say the least look down their noses in regards to WordPress. Despite what some may say WordPress is still a great choice for an affiliate site. I still have many earning sites that use WordPress although I’m not keen to use standard affiliate themes used by hundreds if not thousands of affiliates.
I’m not keen on cluttering my WordPress installations with countless plug-ins as doing so may create problems with later versions of WordPress plus may in many cases slow down my actual site. I strongly suggest if you are new to the affiliate world you simply stick to 2 WordPress plug-ins.
How To Install WordPress Plug-Ins
Installing WordPress plug-ins is a painless operation. Simply copy the plug-in files to your server, login to the admin options of WordPress, select plug-ins, then activate the required plug-in.
All In One SEO Plug-in
This is a great plug-in for new affiliates! Once installed, for every post or page you create it makes the process of entering basic SEO data simple. Once you have activated the plug-in ensure you go to the All In One SEO Options as below.
For each post or page you create the following options will be added.
To keep things simply at this stage let’s say we have created a post that we intend to rank for Big Joes Casino.
Simply make sure the Home Title starts with Big Joes Casino. So for example for the Home Title we could have something like. Big Joes Casino – Claim £200 Free Today From
Also start the Home Description with your main key phrase. For this example we could use something like.
Big Joes Casino – Exclusive £200 FREE Sign Up Bonus
Finally add keyword such as….
Big joes casino, bonus, big joes, deposit bonus, free bonus
Simple Sidebar Navigation Plug-in for WordPress
Internal links are now more powerful than ever before especially if you can build an authority site. It is essential that your main key phrases appear on every page of your site. Some sites are ranking for competitive key phrases from internal links alone.
If you have coding skills then you can create your own sidebar menu. If you lack coding skills simply use the Simple Sidebar Navigation Plug-in.